Youth Leadership

Youth Conversations on the effects of:



  • By the age of 15, nearly 35% of teens have had at least 1 drink
  • By the age of 18 nearly 85% of teens have taken 1 drink
  • 11% of alcohol in the United States is consumed by youth between 12-20 years
  • About 1 in 7 teens binge drinks, yet only 1 in 100 parents believe his or her teen binge drinks.




  • The teen brain is still developing and it is especially vulnerable to drug use
  • Heavy Marijuana use by Teens is Linked to:
    • Educational Outcomes (lower grades and exam scores/less likely to graduate/less likely to enroll in college)
    • Life outcomes (lower satisfaction with life, more likely to earn lower income)



Rx Drug Data

  • The number of deaths from prescription drugs has passed that of heroin and cocaine combined.
  • Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse cause changes in the reward system decreasing normal level of pleasurable activity. Personality changes creating psychosis from otherwise normal behaviors.
  • Opioids (Sleepiness, Confusion, Nausea, Breathing problems, and Coma.)
  • Depressants (Slurred speech, shallow breathing leading to overdosing and sudden death, disorientation and lack of coordination.)
  • Stimulants (Increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, dangerously high body temperatures, decreased appetite/sleep causing poor health, Intense anger and paranoid episodes & higher risks for other medical complications due to high dosing from tolerance build up.)


YTC Council Leadership Training

  • Module I:
    • How to conduct meeting
    • Teamwork/Collaboration
    • Communication-Presenting /Listening.
  • Module II:
    • Setting and Achieving Goals
    • Decision Making
    • Stress/Conflict Resolution
  • Module III:
    • Leadership—Lead/Follow
    • Community Awareness
    • Community Advocacy

Educational Opportunities

  • YTC Leadership Training
  • Basketball Camps
  • Digital Media Arts Camp
  • CADCA Leadership Forums (Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America)



Red Ribbon Week Photo One