Community Based Process


The coalition’s membership represents 12 Community Sectors which brings a diverse and wide range of resources to the group.  The sectors, (which are required by our funders), are Youth, Parents, Business, Media, School, Youth Serving Org., Law Enforcement, Religious/Fraternal Org., Civic/Volunteer Org., Healthcare Professional, State/Local/Tribal Govt., Other Org. involved in reducing substance misuse.



  • Community Education
  • Marketing/Membership
  • Suicide Awareness & Prevention
  • Sustainability
  • Youth Advisory Board (YAB, adults)
  • Youth Taking Charge (YTC, youth ages 12-17)



The Help Enrich African American Lives (HEAAL) Coalition is funded by Mercy Care, Drug Free Communities (DFC), and The Governor’s Office on Youth, Faith, and Family (GOYFF).  (Tanner Community Development Corporation (TCDC) is the fiscal agent)

 Mercy CareDrug Free CommunitiesGovernors Office On Youth Faith and Family





  • Arizona Suicide Prevention Coalition
  • Maricopa Elder Behavioral Health Advocacy Coalition
  • Safe Out Coalition
  • South Mountain WORKS Coalition
  • Tempe Coalition
  • Urban Indian Coalition
  • Way Out West Coalition